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The workshops introduce participants to the Four Treasures of traditional East Asian arts, namely sumi, brush, paper and ink stone. The approach is both theoretical and practical and includes explanations about how the tools and materials are produced, reasons why they are used in the ways they are, as well as encouraging participants to experiment and try out techniques and develop basic skills. While basing the content on traditional techniques, Japanese calligraphy or traditional motifs used in ink painting are not studied. The emphasis is on helping participants use the media for their own ends.
A basic level workshop includes an illustrated talk about the materials, practice grinding the sumi stick, and experiments with different ways of holding the brush and using different concentrations of sumi. A variety of sumi, brushes and paper is provided.
In further workshops more techniques, and exercises in combining different sumi effects are introduced. This leads to individual project work.
Workshops can be developed according the interests of the participants and the time available.
I have run workshops for practicing artists, calligraphers, for anyone who is interested in sumi ink
and for children.
In Japan, many participants want a chance to use sumi ink in a relaxed, fun way.
Please click on ‘BLOG’ to see images of past workshops and information about the current workshop schedule.
Contact me for further details.